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Welcome to SotF!The current season is leaf-bare [ Current Weather ] The current weather is sunny with a light breeze. Snow covers the ground in all the territories. [ Prey Status ] Prey is scarce due to the snow and cold. Cats will have to go out of their way to catch prey this leaf-bare. [ The Plot ] TBA [ Leadership ] ▹ FarmClan Leader: --- Deputy: --- Medicine Cat: --- ▹ WastelandClan Leader: --- Deputy: --- Medicine Cat: --- ▹ MeadowClan Leader: --- Deputy: --- Medicine Cat: --- ▹ CreekClan Leader: Lynxstar Deputy: --- Medicine Cat: Scorchtalon ▹ ForestClan Leader: Goldenstar Deputy: --- Medicine Cat: --- Staff▹ Leaf ◃ [ Staff ] ▹ Planet ◃ ▹ Oakhearted ◃ |